Spectroscopy of Neutron-rich Nuclei with A 100 Produced by Cluster Transfer Reactions at REX-ISOLDE

Acta. Phys. Pol. B

S. Bottoni, S. Leoni, B. Fornal, R. Raabe, G. Benzoni, A. Bracco, F.C.L. Crespi, A. Morales, B. Bednarczyk, N. Cieplicka, W. Krolas, A. Maj, B. Szpak, M. Callens, J. Bouma, J. Elseviers, F. Falvigny, R. Orlandi, K. Rusek, P. Reiter, M. Seidlitz, S. Klupp, D. Mücher, G. Georgiev, D. Balabanski, M. Sferrazza, M. Kowalska, E. Rapisarda

In this work, we present an exploratory experiment performed at
REX-ISOLDE to investigate neutron-rich Sr, Y and Zr nuclei around mass
A = 100 by cluster transfer reactions of radioactive 98Rb/98Sr beams on a
7Li target. The goal of the experiment is to test the potential of clustertransfer mechanism to study the low-lying structure of neutron-rich nuclei,
performing, as a first case, a γ-spectroscopy study of the structure in deformed nuclei beyond N = 60 populated, so far, only via β decay and
spontaneous fission experiments.

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