Experimental study of the 66Ni(d, p)67Ni one-neutron transfer reaction

Phys. Rev. C

J. Diriken, N. Patronis, A. Andreyev, S. Antalic, V. Bildstein, A. Blazhev, I. G. Darby, H. De Witte, J. Eberth, J. Elseviers, V. N. Fedosseev, F. Flavigny, Ch. Fransen, G. Georgiev, R. GernhΓ€user, H. Hess, M. Huyse, J. Jolie, Th. KrΓΆll, R. KrΓΌcken, R. Lutter, B. A. Marsh, T. Mertzimekis, D. MΓΌcher, R. Orlandi, A. Pakou, R. Raabe, G. Randisi, P. Reiter, T. Roger, M. Seidlitz, M. Seliverstov, C. Sotty, H. Tornqvist, J. Van De Walle, P. Van Duppen, D. Voulot, N. Warr, F. Wenander and K. Wimmer

The quasi-SU(3) sequence of the positive parity πœˆβ’π‘”9/2,𝑑5/2,𝑠1/2 orbitals above the 𝑁=40 shell gap are assumed to induce strong quadrupole collectivity in the neutron-rich Fe (𝑍=26) and Cr (𝑍=24) isotopes below the nickel region. In this paper the position and strength of these single-particle orbitals are characterized in the neighborhood of  
  (𝑍=28, 𝑁=40) through the  
  one-neutron transfer reaction at 2.95 MeV/nucleon in inverse kinematics, performed at the REX-ISOLDE facility in CERN. A combination of the Miniball 𝛾-array and T-REX particle-detection setup was used and a delayed coincidence technique was employed to investigate the 13.3-πœ‡β’s isomer at 1007 keV in  
 . Excited states up to an excitation energy of 5.8 MeV have been populated. Feeding of the πœˆβ’π‘”9/2 (1007 keV) and πœˆβ’π‘‘5/2 (2207 keV and 3277 keV) positive-parity neutron states and negative parity (πœˆβ’π‘β’π‘“) states have been observed at low excitation energy. The extracted relative spectroscopic factors, based on a distorted-wave Born approximation analysis, show that the πœˆβ’π‘‘5/2 single-particle strength is mostly split over these two excited states. The results are also compared to the distribution of the proton single-particle strength in the  
  region (𝑍=40,𝑁=50).

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