First use of post-accelerated isomeric beams for Coulomb excitations studies of odd-odd nuclei around N=40
International Journal of Modern Physics E
We report on the first use of post-accelerated radioactive isomeric beams. Long-lived isomeric states in 68Cu and 70Cu have been produced and separated at ISOLDE, CERN. Subsequently they were post-accelerated to 2.86 MeV/u and sent to a target in the center of the MINIBALL spectrometer, used for the detection of the γ-rays of interest. The preliminary results from the Coulomb excitation of the Iπ=6-, 1+ states in 68Cu and the Iπ=6- one in 70Cu, compared to a large-scale shell model calculations, hint the importance of the excitations across the Z=28 gap for the understanding of the nuclear structure in the neutron-rich N=40 region.
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