Low-energy Coulomb excitation of 62Fe and 62Mn following in-beam decay of 62Mn
The European Physical Journal A
Sub-barrier Coulomb excitation was performed on a mixed beam of 62Mn and 62Fe, following in-trap β − decay of 62Mn at REX-ISOLDE, CERN. The trapping and charge breeding times were varied in order to alter the composition of the beam, which was measured by means of an ionisation chamber at the zero-angle position of the Miniball array. A new transition was observed at 418 keV, which has been tentatively associated to a (2+,3+)→ 1
transition. This fixes the relative positions of the β-decaying 4+ and 1+ states in 62Mn for the first time. Population of the 2
state was observed in 62Fe and the cross-section determined by normalisation to the 109Ag target excitation, confirming the B(E2) value measured in recoil-distance lifetime experiments.