Study of Octupole Collectivity in 146Nd and 148Sm using the New Coulomb Excitation Setup at ALTO

Acta. Phys. Pol. B

M. Komorowska, M. Zielińska, P. Napiorkowski, D.T. Doherty, K. Wrzosek-Lipska, P.A. Butler, L. Próchniak, W. Korten, R. Briselet, H. De Witte, L.P. Gaffney, G. Georgiev, A. Goasduff, A. Görgen, A. Gottardo,, E.T. Gregor, K. Hadyńska-Klȩk, H. Hess, M. Klintefjord, T. Konstantinopoulos, J. Ljungvall, R. Lutter, I. Matea, P. Matuszczak, G.G. ONeill, W. Pitek, P. Reiter, D. Rosiak, M. Scheck, M. Seidlitz, B. Siebeck, M. Thürauf, N. Warr

For certain combinations of protons and neutrons in atomic nuclei, a rise
of a reflection asymmetry is expected. Experimental E3 strengths, which
as a function of the neutron number peak at around N ≈ 88 and N ≈ 134,
indicate enhanced octupole correlations as predicted by theory. Low-energy
Coulomb excitation is a highly successful method for establishing the evolution of nuclear shapes, through the measurement of cross sections, to

populate excited states that can be directly related to the static and dynamic moments of the charge distribution of the nucleus. A Coulomb excitation experiment at the ALTO facility, Orsay was performed recently to
study collective properties of 146Nd and 148Sm. In particular, the strengths
of the h3
+i and h1
+i matrix elements will provide a clear
distinction between octupole vibration and rigid deformation.

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